Your first consultation begins with a full case history including details of your current problem, any injuries or problems you may have had previously and your past medical history. We will also take details about your health and any medication you take. After a detailed osteopathic examination, we will discuss your problem, diagnosis and our proposed treatment with you.

Most initial consultations include some treatment unless you don’t wish treatment or osteopathic treatment is not appropriate before further investigation or referral.We may refer you to your GP, for an X-ray or other clinical investigations, if necessary. Occasionally we may recommend you see another practitioner rather than an osteopath. If you wish to have a chaperone present during treatment, please bring someone along. If needed, we can provide a chaperone with sufficient notice,. During the COVID-19 Pandemic, please come alone or with 1 person from your household.
Your treatment may include deep soft tissue massage, joint mobilisation and manipulation, cranial osteopathy, visceral mobilisation, postural advice, photobiomodulation / laser therapy and the prescription of yoga or pilates type exercises to maintain flexibility, range of movement and strength.

The type and style of treatment given by different osteopaths does vary slightly. Very occasionally, patients are a little ‘achy’ after treatment for 12 – 36 hours. This usually eases gradually. If it doesn’t, we ask patients to call us to discuss anything further that might help.
The number of treatments often depends on how long the problem has been there and how bad it is. Two or three treatments may be sufficient to sort out many complaints. Other conditions may require a long term treatment plan and regular maintenance. It is best to treat recent injuries as soon as possible.
For more information on these types of treatments, please click on the cranial osteopathy, laser therapy and osteopathy for children links
The application of light over injuries to stimulate healing is called Photobiomodulation/ Low Level Laser Therapy. It is similar to ultrasound but can be more effective in some cases. It helps to resolve inflammation, heal tissues and ease pain.It aids the healing of conditions such as achilles tendinitis, hamstring strains, tennis elbow, disc injuries, knee, shoulder and neck pain and we often use it in our treatment of musculoskeletal injuries, pain and some skin conditions.

The most popular use of laser therapy is the treatment of acute and chronic injuries, pain and joint conditions. Many of the world’s elite athletes and top football clubs use laser therapy to speed their recovery. To read more, please click here
Naturopathy is a system of natural healthcare using nutritional therapy, stress management and natural remedies to help treat symptoms and causes of ill-health.

We try not to suppress symptoms, but find natural ways to help the body overcome symptoms so it can heal itself. As a naturopath, I believe that a person’s health is affected by physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental and social factors and consider this when tailoring treatment to my patients.
Naturopaths seek to identify and treat the causes of condition, rather than its symptoms, then try to educate our patients to look after their long term health and well being.
I also discuss and advise on healthy eating programmes and have a special interest in patients with fibromyalgia and digestive problems.
If you want to know more about any treatment you might receive or are at all worried about treatment, please discuss it with us by phone or email.